Wednesday, June 30, 2010

When Christ the Rock appears like Quick Sand

Many of us go through tough situations & challenges in our lives. The situation you might be in now might be too much for you to bear. You may not even see a way out. You may even be at the end of your life and may not even care to see another day. You look around and see others living happily. You then realize that you are in a different boat and wonder if any one can even relate to your needs.

I have experienced situations like this. There were times when I can't even pray because of the situation itself was so overbearing.

When everything seems to be going well, one can easily say Jesus Christ is the Rock I stand on. But what happens when God doesn't seem to hear when you need him the most.

You cry out loud to him and do not hear back. You seem to be all alone and cut off from God.

Where is my God when I need him the most?

What can you do when even Christ THE ROCK you stand on now appears like Quick Sand?

God permits these situations in our life.

I used to get so down in my spirit when everything around me was crumbling. But God was also teaching me not to let the situation overtake my spirit but to trust in his Word (even if I look like a fool).

Cast your cares on him for he cares for you. - 1 Peter 5:7

We can't change the situation ourselves. We then look to God's word and his promises which he has given us to wade through our storm even though we may not see the light at the end of the tunnel.

He shall call upon me and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him. - Psalm 91:15

God loves us more than we can ever imagine. We may not realize that God is with us in our trials. He who was acquainted with grief really understands our situation and is moved with similar feelings. He is also interceding with God the Father for us. His prayer is that our faith will not fail.

Lets trust him to carry us through our trails. There is NO situation too hard for Christ.

1 comment:

  1. Lets trust him to carry us through our trails. Very true. Let us trust Him...
