This is what we read in Genesis 3:4. The serpent was more crafty than any other animals of the field. It deceived Eve by its crafty talk! It just made Eve believe that what ever God said was not true; In my bible study at church, we discussed the serpent did not even pick the fruit and give it to Eve! All it did was to talk about the fruit. Then Eve by herself went and picked the fruit and ate and gave it to Adam!
The serpent is still alive, and the serpent is still CRAFTY.. ! But its CRAFTINESS become modern....! And this serpent easily adopts to modern technology and trends.
So What are the modern CRAFTY language this serpent uses? I can think of a few things that stands out to me.
Even after I understand the craftiness of the serpent, I still feel, it is all good.. because 'KNOWLEDGE puffs up'.I feel I master over these craftiness, and I know exactly where to cut the line, but unfortunately, I fall into this well crafted duplicates and miss the originals!

Yes, 'Santa Clause'. Today the kids looking forward for Christmas only to expect what Santa is going to bring. How did we get here? How CRAFTY Satan is today, in distorting the truth of Christmas with the fiction of Santa! How are we going to tell our kids that Christ is real and Santa is not real?
What is our stands on the realistic relationship with Christ? Or is that too a fiction in our lives?
This is just a fun activity for Kids...! It is spring time, new life emerges, and that is what the 'Eggs' represent. How does it relate to Easter? Who coined the word 'Easter Eggs'? What a CRAFTY word to distort the TRUTH of Easter in our kids' minds to bring in the concept of 'Egg Hunt', and it hunts you down to eat more Sugar.. ?!
Are we looking towards the 'Risen Lord' or are we looking for the 'Hidden Eggs'? 
The word 'FUN' is the most crafty word that our modern day serpent is using, not necessarily to the the world, but also the craftiness creeps into the Christian Lives in the form of FUN. Yes, Movies that are in-appropriate but we say it is just fun... Alcoholic drinks, we say it is ok in moderation... same-sex marriage- we say, we need to be tolerant.. and much more..!
The serpent was more “crafty” (‘arum ) than any of the creatures. The word ‘arum is not primarily a negative term in the Bible but suggests wisdom and skill. (Besides its use here, it occurs eight times in Proverbs and twice in Job).
Man’s disobedience is not so much shown as an act of great wickedness or a great transgression as much as it is an act of great folly. He had all the “good” he would have needed, but he wanted more—he wanted to be like God.The forbidden tree is the tree of the knowledge of “good and evil”. When the woman and the man took of the tree and ate, it was because she “saw that the tree was desirable for gaining wisdom“.
The serpent that was CRAFTY on Eve's Garden, is still active in our own gardens...in our minds.. in our moden day cultures... ! Lets not fall prey to his craftiness..! Lets not waste our lives! Let's put on the armor of God and tell the serpents of this world, 'Get Away From Me satan' (Mat 4:10) just as Jesus did, on the wilderness!