For some reason, the thoughts keep lingering in my mind, and keep repeating in my ears.. 'Your Sins are Forgiven !' Here is a man at a vegetated state, because of friends help, he got in (though the friends have taken an extra measures to get him inside the room), and all he needed was healing! There is another set of people watching what would Jesus do..!
ONE Room; Three Groups of People; Friends with Faith ! Paralytic with Sin ! Pharisees with Pride ! Jesus Answered all the three of them in ONE sentence ! 'Your Sins Are Forgiven !'
For the Pharisees, He informed them, there is NONE else than Himself can forgive the sins of men and nobody else have the authority to forgive sins! For the paralytic, He answered, He has the authority to heal, and so He asked him to pack up his bed, and get out ! For the friends, who believed, who had faith, He did not fail !
This is the question I have been pondering this whole evening, which group am I in? Am I a friend who take other man to Jesus? or Am I a paralytic ? or Am I pride filled Pharisee with pathetic attitude? Before I answer my questions, my thoughts led me to one point, that I am SPIRITUALLY PARALYZED!
May be I am inactive, not usable by God, may be I am prejudiced, not meltable by Grace (like the pharisees) In either case, I am spiritually paralyzed! But I had Great Relief 'MY SINS ARE FORGIVEN'. I had great relief, "God told me to stand up, take my stretcher, and walk and witness' I had great relief, whether I am spiritually paralyzed, or spiritually pride, God's forgiveness of sins gives relief !
This is how the incident ends:
Immediately he stood up in front of them, took what he had been lying on and went home praising God. Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, “We have seen remarkable things today. - Luke 5:25-26”
ONE FINAL NOTE: Actually, there is a FOURTH group of people in this incident, who are the home owners! They were never on the lime light ! They were never even mentioned! But gave way to my healing, my forgiveness of sins, by their sacrificial giving off of their own roofs! Thanks to sacrificial missionaries, faithful friends!
What do you choose today? A sacrificial home owner, or a faithful friend, or to walk and witness like the healed paralytic? They all played very significant role, in bringing the forgiveness and healing of Jesus Christ, just for ONE unusable, inactive, vegetated man!